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LordTheNightKnight said:
Viper1 said:
Mr. Fister said:

Not really sure what some of that means (Never was good at computer-speak), but commenters on Kotaku are saying it's not quite on the same level as the Gamecube. Still a pretty sizable leap from the DS and DSi, especially if the game cartridges can hold the rumored 4 GB of data.

Reading computer discussions on Kotaku will only make your IQ drop.

I do understand the computer terminology and what the specs represent and it is certainly more capable than the GC.

I noticed the clock speed is lower, but that was the case with the DS vs N64, and it was still stronger.

I find that Nintrendo's handhelds with a home console equivalent are always stronger.

Pretty much but it's a factor of technology being capable of doing far more per clock cycle than before.

Different architectures also create shorter pipelines as well. So you get data faster and more of it at once.  Just look at PC CPU's.  They've had the same range of clock cycle for about a decade now.  GPU's have advanced even more.  And with the 3DS having programmable shaders (a first for any Nintendo consle), it actually has more graphical versatility than Wii and will be far easier for developers to exploit than GC and Wii are.

The rEVOLution is not being televised