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Seece said:
SaviorX said:
Seece said:

I give all consoles a fair shot ta very much. I certainly don't spew rubbish like that on here ...

I am not going to argue with you, but I don't believe that for a second. It seems like you are using a cap pistol to shoot for one console and an army tank to give a "fair shot" to another. Either way, I haven't seen such fairness so you are gonna have to point it out to me. Where is it?

Now to get back on-topic, what did Metallicube say that I didn't touch on which was so offbase?

Do you mean in this thread? or in my post history? Cos I aint dredging through 11k posts to apease you ...

I've given my reasons why I think the HD consoles will outlast Wii. I'm not the one stating a console is dead or gonna drop off the face of the earth, his reasoning is pretty bad to boot. (actually did he give any real reasoning, more so sounds like wishful thinking.)

Your reasons don't hold much weight either. Now, this gen has been nuts when it comes to consoles defying trends and history, but do you seriously think, the PS3 or 360 will outsell the Wii in any given years to come? When you say outlast, by how long? By how much? When the successors release, unless the Wii is totally obsolete, history will strike again and it will still sell despite a new console being out. There is nothing pointing to the Wii dropping off the face of the earth except your wishful thinking. Throughout those 11k posts I know there was a LOT of it.

And what if they do outsell the Wii in....2012 or 2013? You think Nintendo will wait until the 3DS has been out for 2 years before dropping a successor? Signs point to Ninty moving on in Japan at the end of 2011 or beginning of 2012 the latest. Getting the early jump on 3rd party support means everything to them right now. The console war is over; any sales after this point is just petty bragging rights, something gaming can use a lot less of.

You think Sony can weather a PS4 around that time (11/11 ; 3/12) after all this investment into Move?

Rubbish, I don't think Wii will drop off the face of the earth so stop putting words in my mouth, and I suggest you go find a few examples before accusing me of something you have wrong

My reasoning is right on pitch. It's irrefutable PS3 and 360 sales are fuled by gamers looking for a gaming console, Nitnendo's userbases for each console were consistantly dropping, and I doubt they've garned any new core gamers this gen judging by how the core games sell on the system.

Wii's price cut has already worn off, actually it wore off a while ago, whilst PS3's was seeing rises YOY up until the slims 1st anniversarys.

PS3 and 360 (only with Kinect) have effective price cuts to come, any price cut the Wii receives seems to diminish rather fast. If they do price cut this xmas, they really will have blown their load so to speak, because next xmas 360 and PS3 are going to be fighting their most brutal yet.

Your 2nd paragraph is just irrelevent, and shows you just have beef with me because I'm "attacking something Nintendo", when I'm not. I'm only talking about PS3 and 360 outlasting Wii, so quite what a wii successor and 3DS and the war being over has to do with this I don't know.

You put far too much importance on price cuts. I've said a thousand times and I'll say it again: It's games games games. People buy consoles for GAMES, they don't buy consoles because they look nice in the living room. If your console has no games, no price cut will help you. The HD consoles both have had slim models (which I contend have done far more than the price drops). And they've also had stronger releases this year than the Wii thus far. A price cut will give a very temporary boost but that's it.

HD consoles could outlast the Wii, but if they do, it'll be because Nintendo wil fail to release games that people want. Wii did bad this year (speaking in relative terms) because people had no new reasons to buy a Wii. It's biggest two games were a Mario Galaxy sequel (which even the first game barely moved consoles) and a Metroid spinoff with very limited appeal.

I don't quite get how you see it as likely that the HD consoles will outlast Wii, when Nintendo has pumped out some of the best selling games of all time for Wii in just 4 years that have insane legs, and chances are good they could release another one.

As for the HD consoles are "gamers" consoles, and have more loyal core gamers or whatever, I'm not gonna bother arguing with that one because it's nothing more than hardcore elitist nonsense.