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Metallicube said:
SaviorX said:
Seece said:
SaviorX said:

You of all people should not be judging ANYONE for biased drivel Seece. It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

As for this issue, a $300 PS3 with GT5 is something I cannot really accurately predict.When it comes to the PS3, often times I find myself underestimating it. However, after GT5, what is there? Price drops? Even if GT5 sold 60% as fast as NSMB or MW2: 360 did, how much of an extended HW boost will it provide for the PS3?

People place way too much stock in GT5. Now granted, we cannot see how well Move will benefit the PS3 after only one measly week, so Metallicube did jump the gun, but I don't see it rejuvenating PS3 sales to astronomical levels and keeping it that way either.

I give all consoles a fair shot ta very much. I certainly don't spew rubbish like that on here ...

I am not going to argue with you, but I don't believe that for a second. It seems like you are using a cap pistol to shoot for one console and an army tank to give a "fair shot" to another. Either way, I haven't seen such fairness so you are gonna have to point it out to me. Where is it?

Now to get back on-topic, what did Metallicube say that I didn't touch on which was so offbase?

Ugh who knows man. I'm guessing maybe the "PS3 has packed it in" remark, which in retrospect was a little strong. But some Sony fans here get too sensitive. What I meant was more that its best days are behind it, which is a reasonable assumption. The Move, which Sony has seemingly poured much of its focus into, doesn't seem to be making an impact, and it doesn't have much software wise besides GT5. But to be fair, the other consoles are probably going to decline at around the same rate. It'll depend on the strength of the library from here on out as to how fast they decline.

Mmm, I'm not a Sony fan and I couldn't care less who won out of these 2, I'm just saying it how I see it, PS3 and 360 have more fuel left, Wii is running low. Even ioi agree's Move is going to be a slow mover, I didn't quite agree at first either, but it's going to take time for SW to filter through and make any sort of impact. Kinect would have beent he same, had it not been for MS aggressive marketing planning this xmas.