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Again, I agree with Legend and I think this will remain the case until someone comes along and hits one out of the park with a 'conventional' game. I think TimeSplitters 4 (assuming it does in fact come to Wii) could be such a game. I don't think games that take themselves too seriously will ever do really well (like WWII games or Bioshock) but games that mix fun quality gameplay with fun quality story/characters could do well irregardless of gameplay type (FPS, RTS, platformer, RPG, etc.)

If and when this happens, publishers are going to be looking at a game that cost less to make and made a ton more profit than what their getting doing 360/PS3/PC games. They'll naturally want a piece of that pie too. And then we'll start seeing a lot more 'conventional' games coming to Wii. If not existing IPs then 'conventional' types of gameplay in new IPs that appeal to a broader audience.

In the mean time, I'm loving my Wii for having a lot of unconventional gameplay. WiiSports, M&S, NiGHTS, Mercury Meltdown with real tilt control, Godfather, and just picked up Dewy and having fun with that. Looking forward to more unconventional stuff to keep me entertained in the meantime.