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Race for the Golden Disc


Two thousand seven. What does this mean? The number of PS3’s sold this year? Soriku’s post count in the last week? Naw, it’s just the year. However, I can’t really say it was “just” this year. This year single-handedly redefined the console wars, set numerous records for both sales and consumer interest in general, and brought forth a wealth of information that was formerly only available to those willing to pay for it. (Here’s looking at you, NPD) 

    I found this site at the beginning of the year, while I was combing google for the reason why the Wii was selling so well, and why prices on ebay still hadn’t normalized a couple months after launch. What I found was so much more valuable than the actual numbers. I had discovered a community of people just like myself who were interested in how this industry worked, rather than just playing the games. It was a fledgling site, with a dedicated creator, and a small band of core members who were willing to help out in any way they could. 

As this site grew, so did my respect for both the methodology, and the commitment of our beloved ioi. I’m not gonna kiss anymore ass than this, but I must say, I’m very grateful that this forum exists. Without it, I’d still be going by the Sony PR department numbers and wouldn’t know the difference between “shipped” and “sold”. 

Back to the topic at hand. Now the console wars aren’t just about the number of consoles sold. It’s about software sales, and attach rates and exclusives and crazy PR departments, and rabid fan boys, but most importantly, it’s about the (crazy) predictions we all make, and our rationale behind them. 

The data can be interpreted in so many different ways! Much like the way women change what we men say to fit their own mood at the time . Despite the plethora of possible interpretations, the important thing to remember is that there are numbers! Numbers that don’t lie, cheat, or magically change themselves when no one’s looking. 

Now, I’ve noticed there’s a void in the industry. Where’s the award for the company who’s made the biggest impact of the year? I propose the Golden Game Disc. It represents not only the primary medium in which we play our games, but the standard of the industry not only for the last couple of generations, but probably for years to come. The size and shape may change (thanks, GameCube), but the concept is still the same. 

With that being said, here’s 2007; A Year in Review. 


Nintendomination is the new word coined to express fully just how dominant a position Nintendo is in. By selling a little over 19 million Wiis in just a little over 13 months, Nintendo didn’t just break a record for the fastest selling console (tracking above the PS2), it OBLITERATED it. I think the week ending Dec 22 tells the story. 1.45 million consoles sold in just one week worldwide. Nintendo had just one goal with the launch of their console; to put controllers in the hands of those who had never really played before, or who were intimidated by complicated button configurations on oddly-shaped controllers. Now some may say success is relative, but in this case, Nintendo may have made it universal. If selling every single unit you make isn’t success, then nothing ever was or will be. 


Ah, the company people either love to hate, or will defend until their death. It doesn’t matter which side you’re on, because the Sony train, despite getting off to a relatively slow start, is picking up steam. The most important thing to remember is that Sony isn’t primarily a gaming company…at least, that’s not how they make their money. Their main goal is to make money off of their proprietary formats and collect money even if they’re not the ones selling anything. (see: Blu-ray, betamax) 

Even with all that being said, the PS3 is no slouch of a system. With full 1080p output, and a blu-ray player to boot, you can see why almost 9 million technology hungry people/families have made the PS3 an addition to their home media centers. With programs like folding @ home and the new HOME coming out soon, there’s plenty for Sony to brag about. 

Most fans you talk to will rarely bring up the sales numbers, but will talk about the potential of their system. Potential. What a great word. Regardless, it does seem the best days are to come. Metal Gear Solid 4, Final Fantasy 13, and many other slightly lesser known titles are to come. Only time will tell just how much of an impact these exclusives will make. 


Oh ye of little faith. The popular opinion on this site seems to relegate the 360 to third place this generation, despite the fact that the 360 had a year head start and currently has the largest (though not exactly diverse) game library out there. Granted this won’t be for long and the hardware failure rate has probably boosted sales a little higher than what they would be otherwise, but that was never my point

The bottom line is, they’re still about 7 million units ahead of the PS3, and until the gap starts closing significantly, they have nothing to worry about. For now they can just keep on truckin’, and hope for some third parties to step up for them this next year. 

Conclusions and Predictions

It’s true that 2007 was decided much sooner than most people would have predicted, but the general consensus is that 2008 will be a much more interesting year. This prediction is not without merit of course. With killer new games coming out for both the PS3 and Wii (maybe 360?), will we see the gap close? Will John Lucas’ crazy predictions for 60 million Wiis sold end ’08 come true? Only time will tell. 

My predictions for 12/31/2008 

Wii – 51 million (Yes, Nintendo will up production)
            Xbox360 – 26.5 million
            PS3 – 21 million 

With that, I give my golden disc for 2007 to Nintendo. For not only putting consoles in the hands of more people faster than any other in history, but for redefining sales history. My runner up goes to Sony, for sticking with their PS3 no matter what the cost. Good luck next year, Microsoft.


Currently playing: Civ 6