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Just to continue Legend's Catz/Dogz example: ten years from now, I expect we'll see some version of Catz or Dogz that even someone like me will look at and go, "Okay, now THAT is cool. I won't buy it, but that's cool." There's clearly money to be made there.

The reason why the games are still so crudely made isn't because there is literally no way to make them better and spend more money developing them, it's that nobody knew there was a market there until Nintendo blew the door wide open with Nintendogs. The games will come, and Catz/Dogz are the first wave precisely because they're cheap and can be made quickly.


Keep in mind that this is only an example: any genre seeing a resurgance or nascent birth on the Wii will follow the same pattern. It will start out crude and cheaply made, and if/when it garners sales, expect research, development, polish, and the "expensive" games to follow.">">