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Acevil said:
Boutros said:
Acevil said:
Boutros said:

More importantly, Heavy Rain makes the list. A western game in a Japanese award show. That gotta be rare. Japan is really conservative when it comes to their culture.

Not really more than any other country I would say.

How would you explain the reception of the Xbox brand in Japan then? The efforts Microsoft invested are in vain for a reason.

So one product that didn't do well in Japan makes it alright to say the culture is conservative?

Edit: Personally I don't care about the culture thing, but it gets annoying that it is an excuse. (or in this case used to explain something.)

Whether you are annoyed or not doesn't change anything lol

You can't deny that they are a isolated society and they are proud of their culture. And this fact has been said a lot by Japanese developers who are accusing the Japanese population of being close-minded.