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Here's a simple question that should highlight the point:

Relative to install base, if a game would sell 4x as well on the PS3 or 360 compared to the Wii, would it make sense to put that game on the Wii? No, it would not, unless you could port the game easily (which I think we all agree is almost always a bad idea).

So the real question is: are there genres that sell in this hugely disproportionate fashion? The answer so far seems to be yes, although it hasn't totally been tested yet. Some dramatically favor the Wii (Raving Rabbids 1 on the Wii sold so much better than the 360 version it isn't even funny) while others favor the PS3/360 (Madden is still the best example here, as its still one of only major games that's been given a legitimate, multiplatform PS3/360/Wii shot). Other games will suit all audiences, such as Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

We seem to be simply assuming that any game that would sell well on the 360 or PS3 would sell approximately as well on the Wii if it were developed for it. That clearly is NOT always the case, nor can we say the same about the reverse scenario.">">