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I think they'll be fine, Squirrel. Rather than use simplistic terms like "hardcore" (which I also dislike, and have said repeatedly is a misnomer), I think it's fair to say that there is a specific audience for the PS3/360 that is noticably distinct from the Wii in a way that wasn't necessarily true for the PS2/GC/Xbox.

The simplest, easiest example is Madden -- the sales of that game are hugely disproportionate in favor of the 360/PS3. If there is a game that is Madden-esque (in terms of demographic), a system like the PS3 would need something like 1/4th the install base to equal Wii sales, as the PS3 Madden 08 outsold the Wii Madden 08 over 4:1 relative to install base. Then you include the 360 install base... and you're in business. There is no way the Wii will ever outsell the PS3/360 4:1 combined.

And for people making such games, the 360/PS3 is the better choice.">">