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Leo-j, you need to chill with the hate. Did the Wii kill your dog?

This goes out to everyone: Enjoy what you want and let others enjoy what they want. Each system has plenty going for it to be desirable to a person and there's no reason to bash a person or a system just because it doesn't match your tastes.

I'm sure there are at least 4 billion people that are completely indifferent to video games. There are also people that dislike all video games. Of the people that are interested in video games, there are plenty of reasons not to like the Wii too. Some are plenty happy with what they already have and don't want to try something else. Others don't like the game selection or the lack of HD. Some see it as a threat to their types of games or system of choices. And others simply don't have fun with it.

I've only played a handful of games, but I've found it quite fun and I can see how it appeals to many demographics.