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Bubbles, you do understand that in judgement motives are needed.

By your logic all human beings should server 20 to life if one human being commits murder.

Why? Because regardless of his motives he was a human being.

Here's a crystal clear example.

In a world where Dogs talk a man shoots a dog, the dog court sends him and all humans to jail, regardless of the mans motive. Why? Because he happens to be human.

It seems like your just on the offensive to Atheists, and I'm only curious as to why, now that I understand why I can say that your generalizing, drawing your own conclusion from your own imagination and then proving your imagination right, I would hope you'd be right though as it would be wierd for you to imagine you were wrong. But in the end your relation makes as much sense as using a tooth pick for fire wood despite having fire wood on hand.

W/e your logic is up in the air here.

It is human nature to seek to achieve ones goals, and the motiviation is unique based on the history to get to that agenda. If a person said let's kill all Christians because I don't believe there is a god, then boom you'd be 100% correct in your relation.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D