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The Fury said:

True while many are morals can come from either the need to survive or as sapphi_snake said 'Greek philosophers' it is religious that spread these morals and religion that put them down in writing for generations to follow. 

I would argue that this is completely false. All humans everywhere created religion as early as they were able to wander at the sun and lightning. Still probably at the same time they had morals. Later, the beings they worshiped were credited with laws, since people better follow laws that are decreed by someone who can command rains, than the old village chief of the parents of the young adult student of what's right and what's wrong. So morals were just added to religion, it didn't spread morals anywhere.

As far as religions spreading a NEW moral code to a new region, it seams more like the common sense morals were already there, while the higher "Church" directed morals replaced the old "Church" directed morals. Take Mayan vs Spanish religions. Mayans beheaded humans to their gods, while the Spanish tortured and burned humans because of their god. The rest was there more or less.

Edit: The above is only valid as a debate argument with religious people who believe in old earth creationism.