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quigontcb said:

"Morals" is at best a waste of time in a world with no God. If there is no God(or even gods), then we really are just lumps of flesh brought about by a random(and lucky) sequence of events billions of years ago. We are then just animals who think at a more advanced level. If all this is true, then the idea of "morals" is just that, an idea. If there is no God, we answer to noone. And who is anyone to tell me how to think, feel, and act? What authority do they have over me, or I over them.

We answer to ourselves as species. It's all very logical. Plus Gods are not needed for intelligence (of various degrees) to ultimately collectively know what good is. The world being as it is, be it the will of a creator or not, there are infinite shades of gray between the absolutes of good an bad, thus there are infinite debates about the finer aspects of what is good or not in infinite situations. The solutions are never pure good, and to remain with clear conscience and an easy soul people turn to the Gods they invented out of ignorance. If it's Gods will, it's ok. The will of the Gods justifies mass murdering people. (And Christians have Jessus' teachings of love and peace, but who cares, let's kill people, the Old Testament is full of it so it's all right.)

I once heard a guideline of judging good (in one of the Young Indiana Jones films), it was something like: "Good is anything that favors/helps/protects life." it sounds good to me, I try to follow that. Still I kill all the mosquitoes I see. What can you do?