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There has been an article claiming that the Wii doesn't contribute to burning off fat.

This is totally wrong. Any activity you do burns calories. The more you move and expend energy, the more calories and fat you will burn.

Driving a car can burn 125 calories/1.5 hours.

Housecleaning 864 calories/1.5 hours

Reading a book 86 calories/1.5 hours

Playing the right Wii game can fall somewhere between a reading and a brisk walk. Maybe more with Wiifit. It really comes down to exercise and a healthy diet. If you are burning 2000 calories a day and you are consuming 3000 calories a day, you WILL gain weight. There is no way around that. For people trying to put on weight they will need to consume more calories than they burn. Usually they try to eat good calories such as proteins and complex carbs so they gain more muscle without gaining too much fat. Carbs don't really build muscle but complex carbs take longer to burn so the chances of them being unused and turning to fat are less likely.

An active person conscious of what they are eating should stay relatively in shape barring any inherited medical conditions. Anyhow, they will be healthier than if they were not active and eating well. Even your friend down the street playing hockey 3 nights a week can be fat. If he is drinking 12 beers each night followed by pizza and chicken wings before bed, he will probably gain weight. That is because when you go to bed your metabolism slows down big time and all that unused fuel, fat, protein, carbs, and sugars, converts to fat. Beer guts and love handles at age 20 are becoming all too common in our society.

Playing the Wii won't make you skinny if you are eating crap. It will however contribute much more than twiddling your thumbs if you combine it with a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating habits.
