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Faulty study, IMO.

How the study *should* have gone is like this:

Three groups.
One with the XBox350 (used 360, w/o all the components I guess, research on the cheap)
One with the Wii (probably bought on ebay, using up the $ errr... pounds/Euros thus having to buy the XBox350)
One group with nothing to do.

The layout. All 3 groups with sofas and tables with wrapped Mars bars in a bowl.
No breaks for an hour.

The probable results.

The group with nothing to do ate up all the Mars bars, including some of the ones from the other groups test. Calorie gain from the average 4 bars ate: 960.

The XBox350 group ate on the average .2 bars, that is, two Mars bars including wrappers, as two boys were so engrossed in playing that they didn't notices the bars were still wrapped.
Calorie gain from the average .2 bars ate: 48.

The Wii group ate on the average .2 bars as well, but unwrapped. Calorie gain from the average .2 bars ate: 0. *

* In order to get the candy bars, they punched out 2 from the nothing group, that were stealing and unwrapping the Mars bars, then ate them. The candy bars, that is. Calorie lost from the fight to get the candy bars is estimated to equal the calories intake of the candy bars.

Torturing the numbers.  Hear them scream.