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nintendo specifically stated that the wii Could have had 720p graphics(heck their system CAN do 720p, they choose to not do that due to the frame rate hit it would take).. but since the price would have been Higher than what they wanted to sell for, they Chose not to go that route,

in terms of numbers sold the GC was a failure...

in terms of profitability..the GC was a smashing success- it made nintendo money.

in terms of numbers sold the 360 is a succcess, the ps3 is a success
in terms of money made for each company- both are current failures- though the 360 MIGHT make it to profitability this year-sony won't.

in terms of numbers sold the wii is a smashing success
in terms of money made for nintendo the wii is a smashing success
they make something like 50 bucks PER unit sold, sony Loses like 1-200 per unit sold...360 i THINK makes money now (maybe 20 per unit sold)

if the wii had gone traditional- Gamecube like controller, hd graphics, ~350 price...they'd be getting trounced in sales.

they chose to take a different path- and it's been worth it