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All of you ps3 fans are way too optimistic. you all thought that the ps3 would out sell Wii in its first year but it didn't. you all thought that ps3 would outsell Wii after the price drop but it didn't. you all thought that the ps3 would outsell Wii after during its first and second Christmas but it didn't. and now you've all given up on it selling more than the Wii and lowered your standards by saying it will sell more than the 360, saying once the line-up of new games come out then ps3 will dominate. but that "new line-up" that you are referring to SUCKS! i want somebody to post a list of new games for the ps3 that are coming out in 2008 and i don't want any random games, only the ones you truly think will be good.

my predictions: by the end of march wii will have sold as much as ps3 and 360 combined.

the nintendo wii will outsell the ps3 and the 360 combined by the end of 2008.                           

        PS3 will out sell the 360 june 2010.                                                                      

  GOTY of 2008 is super smash brothers brawl.... hopefully.


Wii: 45 million         xbox360: 26 million       PS3: 19 million (made beginning of 08)

wii: 44 million         xbox 360: 24 million      PS3: 21 million (made june 08)

wii code: 8094-5344-2140-1400

brawl code: 5412-9565-3232