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Fastrabbit09 said:
x-man, why are you ignoring the numbers posted in this thread?

he gave links to Sony and everything

prior to PS3 launch, Sony had made 5.5 billion TOTAL from ALL of its video games (ps1/ps2/psp). Now they have lost OVER HALF of that 5.5 billion in the 13 months since PS3 launched...and they just cut prices further which means MORE losses

so they are projecting to have lost EVERYTHING Sony has made in video games by the end of next year!!

that is not a win in most people's books, especially in businesses' books

also, ps2 hardware may NOW make a profit on each console sold, but it didn't prior to all those consoles sold prior to 2005 (most of them) lost them money and its very likely that the profit on the consoles since 2005 has NOT yet equalled the loss prior to 2005, so its very likely Sony LOST money thus far on ps2 hardware and so that digs into the software's profits

also, did Sony ever develop any ps2 games that lost money? if they spent millions on development and it didn't sell enough, then they lose money, like any other publisher

Where are the links? I see a link to a Sony website, but I see nothing about Sony making $5.5 billion period on the Playstation brand.