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Diomedes1976 said:
GhaudePhaede010 said:
lvader said:
Diomedes1976 said:
As long as the Wii users are casuals of the worst kind and third party software bombs in the machine the Wii will be a little more that a toy only Nintendo gets benefit from .

In that perspective the real "videogame " market is between the X360 and PS3 ,and PS3 will win sooner or later .

Not only userbase decides where development goes .If that were the case there wouldnt be ever any new generation because the new machines when launched (and along their first year usually ) get outsold by they older siblings .There are far more PC enabled to run games optimized for graphics cards along the 6800 models that after the 8800 .But ,this industry moves on technology and the new developments will be for PS3 and X360 ,thats where the fresh money will go .Wii will have its fun minigames ,gimmicky sports games and the likes along the Nintendo franchises and that will be all.Oh ,and quick cash-ins and shovelware of course ,its speciality .Thats pretty clear .

Wii Bingo.

You two absolutely cannot be serious... If you are, then you two are as big a problem for the video gaming world as those casuals that you are so offended by.

Have either of you seen the list of RPG games coming to Nintendo's newest console? I am pretty sure there is a little more than, "fun minigames, gimmicky sports games, quick cash-ins, and shovelware" to talk about. And since it seems to have those games and still be murdering your precious favorite consoles, what is going to happen when Tales and the like start hitting?


On topic, Sony will outsell Microsoft worldwide because Microsoft has absolutely no market in Japan where Sony has at least a little penetration in America. Sorry to Microsoft fan...

Wich RPG ?Some Tales of ,a Namco one and a FF spin-off .Just like the Cube had .

It can get more ,thats for granted .But once gamers get a taste of a RPG on the PS3 like White Knight Story or Final Fantasy XIII few japanese will like to go back to the PS2-like graphics of the Wii to seek beautiful worlds ..and thats one of the main attraction of JRPG .

 Wow!! people still using this as an argument, after fantasic looking games like gears of war, mass effect bioshock ,uncharted, etc, people are still picking the wii in droves,  doesn't that show you that graphics are not the main selling point of a console thses days, havent the last 3 years shown you that. The selling point of the wii is not just the motion controller, but the different way it will/may take gaming, and i am not talking about casual games. Not trying to take away from the PS3, its a great system, but offers nothing truly inovative and refreshing to gaming, except for a better picture. I love this new direction the wii is taking gaming, but i also love the way the PS3 pays homage to the way we have been playing for years. But this is probably falling on deaf ears simply because i have seen some of your posts in the past, and it seems the wii does not do anything for you, which is not a bad thing by the way.

Nintendo & Sony Supporter

Currently own- DS, PSP, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3 DreamCast.

Man i have too many consoles..... 

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"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"- Helen Keller

"i am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward"-Thomas Edison

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