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this OP is ubber shit and this is coming from a ps3 fan !
You tend to forget that in the big picture, all relies on profitability.
And due to that SONY just NEEDS the 360 to the there (not too strong but there). Why ? because the market has been split :
- HD gaming on one side (represented by 360+ps3)
- Casual gaming (represented by wii and to a lesser extend ps2)

When a dev/pubisher decides to make a game, it has to decide the target platform and thus have to choose between the 2 types of platform. They can bring an IP to all platforms for marketing purpose but they will be completely different games (as FIFA for instance).

Taking this into consideration, the budget to make a HD game may be at least twice as much as doing a game on wii. Wii games are selling for $10 less. So in order to reach break even for your game, you need to sell appr 1.8x on HD gaming compared if you would release your game on wii/ps2. So you need a much bigger installed base, even if the tie ratio is higher on HD platforms.
If there would not be 360 now, many many developpers would be jumping out of ps3 devs because they would be kind of assured to not get a profit. Losing an exclusivity is kind of ok (like DMC4 going to 360) : it doesn't hurt ps3 owners. But games can be cancelled, and the first example is MH3, which is just a HUGE licence in Japan. So having 360 here is nice for ps3 because until it builds a strong enough user base, it al least gets all the games released for HD platform, minus a few ones counting for a very small percentage. The danger for ps3 is not from 360, it's from the wii.