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X-Man said:
TWRoO said:
There we go, Rol backs me up with 2.3 million.

and @ Xman again... yes i agree that PS2 software made more than 2 billion... but the hardware was never profitable, thus took away any profits the software made.

I don't see how the profits of the most profitable part of gaming (software) for two consoles that sold more software than any other console... are comparible in any way to PS3 hardware losses?

You're making up facts out of thin air again, since when was the hardware never profitable? And still no source to confirm whether the money was made from hardware, software, or both.

I didn't say it was never profitable, I said it became profitable around 2005, but those profits have not yet offset the losses made from hardware sold before then. And as Rol just said, it is total profit that matters, which for PS2 was 2 million. I am sorry I cannot find any sources for you, but I think that as you have not sourced any of your numbers I should be forgiven.