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OK. First lets look at last generation. Sony won. and Sony made money. M$ came in second last gen, and Ninty came in third. Microsoft lost an estimated 4 billion, and last placer Ninty turned a good profit. Is selling more and losing millions of dollars while your losing competitor made money really winning?

Now current gen financials a few months back shows..... (from

"over the past nine/ten years, Sony's game division has contributed a net of 652 billion yen ($5.5 billion) in positive operating income to Sony's bottom line.

Since then we have the '07 results for the gaming division, which were -232.3 billion yen. So far in fiscal '08, the total inclusive of the most recent reported quarter has been -126 billion yen.

That's a loss of -358.6billion yen so far in '07/'08, which is more than 1/2 of what the gaming division has made in the previous ten years. Actually the PS3 drain is bigger than 358.3 billion yen, because all the these figures are inclusive of PS2 and PSP profits which partially cover the loss due to the PS3.

PS3 losses are likely to be over 500+ billion yen. Fiscal year ending in March 06 includes profits of only 8.7 billon yen. Q1 was -5.9, Q2 was 8.2, Q3 was 67.8 with a -61.4 for Q4 with the losses put on the shoulder of the PS3.

So the PS3 is costing Sony over half as much as they have made in profit since they entered the console business, and PS2 sales and growing PSP sales in the same perion are not helping moderate the losses."

If these numbers are indeed correct (and they seem to be as they are derived from , from Sony's own financial reports to eliminate error and spin. (by Carl B @ Beyond3D)). I'd be extremely spooked if I was a Sony shareholder. Sony needs the rest of '08 to show a dramatic change. They better hope the B/C issue doesn't bite them in the rear too hard (and I believe it will).

Now on the other hand, remember these numbers are nowhere nearly as bad as MS, but they are headed in the same direction. M$ lost 4 billion on xb1 and I'm pretty sure this is the first quarter they actually showed a profit. So Sony IS doing bad financially with ps3, but not as bad as MS ... yet. "


Question: Who's the biggest loser?

BAM! There it is!
Wii Code 3456 7941 4060 2924
COD MW Reflex 541192229709