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X-Man said:

Japan is by far the smallest region but it's certainly not insignificant.

it depends on the ponit of view you are me Japan is a little more than statitics.


  • western producers are only interested in EU+NA userbase as usually western-made games only sell in EU or as long as the gap between x360 and Ps3 remain that high in the western world then x360 will remain the first choice for western developers (=the ports from x360 to ps3 will be more frequent than from ps3 to x360...with predictible results for the quality of games: usually multiplatform games will be better on x360).
  • wester gamers are usually interested in western-type games (FPS, Sprts, RTS, wester RPG like Oblivion or the Witcher, driving etc etc)...ok, there are some exceptions but the only genre that comes to my mind that depends on japan userbase and that (some) wester-gamers appreciate is JRGP (like FF) ...ironically enough the x360 for the moment has more jrpg than PS3 (btw this so far hasn't helped the x360 sales at all both in western and japan market...probably is a question depending on the different demographics between PS3 users and x360 users but i doubt that jrpgs alone can make a real difference in Europe or America: at best they can help)
In conclusion as long as the gap between the two systems will remain that high in western markets i woudn't say that Sony has won the war...sure, PS3 has gained some momentum in europe (and probably is on its way to overtake x360 in "others")  but i don't think this is enough until the situation in US will remain 10M vs 3.5M..and overall wasn't for Japan market (a little more than statistics from my point of view as explained before) the gap between x360 and PS3 would have been widening by about 50k per week during this holiday season.


2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M