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KillerMan said:
haxxiy said:

Interesting news going around. Heidfield to drive for Sauber, and Kimi contacted Renault about a place in the grid next year.

As long as he doesn't require an impossibly high salary, the place will surely be his... and if Webber indeed wins the championship, we could have as much as six world champs next year racing. That would be amazing.

I seriously doubt that Kimi would return to F1 and especially with Renault. He has said that if he returns someday he wants winner car. Renault isn't winner car. That news is probably just Renault trying to get other drivers to lower their salary demands.

I'm not sure of that. Kimi was supposed to race this year, but everyone just turned him down because he was a massive asshole when it come to requirements: winning car, less PR hours and massive salary. Basically, everything for nothing. Then he turned to Rally and look what happened to him - got not even a shadow of what he hoped for besides maybe a "funnier" environment.

Besides he's the one searching Renault and not the other way around. But who knows, only time will tell. He may genuinely want that place on the grid, but can his stuff be a match for Petrov's russian money?