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Hephaestos said:
Funtime said:
Hephaestos said:

I'm so sick of this... every time I play 1vs1, I lose to a rush from a guy who has a "slightly favored" status... can't we play with the same rules??


worst is this time, I had barely the time to build a zergling pool and a queen that I already had 5 protos in my base... I barely even got enough money to build 5 protos myself....

there's something that I must be missing in the way to play this game, cause when I look at the time log I'm usually ahead of the others in the first 2 mins :x

If you're getting hit with 5 zealots before you get your spawning pool down then you're using a terrible build order, and should watch some pro replays or read some strategy guides. Zerg can usually give Protoss fits with quick zerglings because you can get them out so fast and if the Toss isn't careful, run them right past his zealot and into his supply line.

I do 4 drones, overlord, and while the overlord spans I accumulate the $$ for the pool :x

You could try to do the extractor trick (of which I'm a big fan). So you make your drones until you are at ten supply, then wait until you have about 130 minerals, and you make 2 extractors, bringing your supply to 8/10. Then you make 2 drones, cancel your 2 extractors and you're at 12/10. Make an overlord, before that overlord pops, you'll have 200 and make your pool at 12. From there, you're at 11, make 3 drones to 14, make an extractor, 13, make 3 drones to 16, then a queen to bring you to 18 then an overlord, then start making some lings. You can put 3 drones on the extractor so you can get the speed upgrade. It's a pretty normal build, but I use it and it transitions well to almost anything. The only difference between the way I do it and the way others do it is that they usually make the extractor at 13 instead of 14, but other than that, it's pretty standard.

Try it out, it takes a little getting used to, but it's pretty good. I have a few variations where I drop a spine or an evo chamber, and sometimes you need more lings earlier so I make lings before the queen too, but the extractor trick gives a nice little early econ boost.