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cdude1034 said:
X-Man said:
fkusumot said:
X-Man said:

I'm not talking about share holders, i'm talking about how much Sony has made from the Playstation brand. Software sales alone make up the losses from the PS3. And again, MS aren't making money, they're recouping. Nintendo are making a killing though.

What? What is your source for this information?

My conclusion is based on logic, not a source. Sony have sold around 1.8 billion units of software with the PS1 and PS2. You do the math.

Nope. You can't do this. You can't talk about this generation, make a statement you can't backup, and then cite software sales from the last TWO generations as a reason why the PS3 isn't losing money.

The bottom line is, for every PS3 Sony sells, they lose money. The exact amount isn't certain, but they certainly aren't posting any profits. Early estimates put the losses at a little over $200, and even if Sony has closed that gap to under $50, if you say they lost an average of say ~$75 per console (VERY conservative), they have (8.5 mil * $75) to make up, and software sales this gen just aren't there yet.

It's true that the PS1 was successful, and the PS2 printed money, but both have NOTHING to do with the PS3 losing money this gen.

Your conclusion is based on "fuzzy logic". Good luck with that one .

Edited for spelling. 

When did I say the PS3 isn't losing money? I said the Playstation brand has made money. I think you should re-read the thread.