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TWRoO said:
X-Man said:
lvader said:
Previous years profits don't count for much, Sony gaming division has lost a lot of money in the last 2 years and continue to do so. MS now make money from Xbox products.

Lol, of course it matters. MS aren't making money, they're making their money back. They're still billions in the hole. Sony are still billions up. And Nintendo are always making a profit.

I would like to see some evidence of how much profit Sony made with PS1.... because I believe Sony made about 2 billion with the PS2 (total profit, including all software etc) wheras they had lost 2 billion on the PS3 alone before it even launched (mainly due to the cell and blu-ray) ..... so between PS2 launch and PS3 launch Sony made as close to zero profit/loss as it matters in a business sense.... and since PS3 launch they have only lost money, Iam not sure how much in total but it will probably be between 0.5 and 1.5 billion.

PSP is currently profitable i think, but since it's own launch I doubt it has made anything significant, and is probably still at a loss.

So basically, ignoring PS1, they are at a huge loss with the PS brand. (almost certainly over 1 billion)


MS lost about 3 billion I believe on the original Xbox (if anyone can correct me on this feel free... i am not sure)... and are probably at a loss with the 360 at the moment, even if it is now recently a profit.


edit... and no, the PS3 is not at 130 million if you are talking profits.... the 130 million that i think SOny has claimed happens to include a few million unsold PS2s (which will at least get sold) but also any PS2s that SOny had to replace... free of course... after failing under warranty, which was a lot of PS2s, (probably more that 360 RRODs even though the % failure may be higher for 360)

I'd like to see some evidence that 'Sony made about 2 billion with PS2 total profit, INCLUDING software'. I'm curious as to where you get your information from.