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ironman said:
unknown_soul89 said:
ironman said:
unknown_soul89 said:
ironman said:
unknown_soul89 said:

Okay seriously people saying the ps3 will never outsell the 360 need to do some fact checking, the 360 has been out for a year longer, so if ps3 is on the market for the same amount of time as the 360 it will outsell it (selling about 9.5 mil on average a year with about a 3.5 mil gab) and ps3 sells about 1 million more consoles a year then the 360 does, actually lets be more specific then that 

38.1/4= 9.525 million a year

41.7/5=8.34 million a year 

9.525-8.34= 1.185 million difference a year

41.7-38.1=3.6 million

3.6/1.185=3.037 years until the ps3 outsells the 360, assuming they both stay on the market

Well of course it would if things stay exactly as they are. But lets face it, that's not gonna happen, there are too many game changers from both sides of the isle to make silly predictions like this. I really can't see any possible way the PS3 outsells the 360 until it is no longer on the market. And after that, bragging about how the PS3 outsold other consoles from it's gen will just be like saying you are the smartest kid with down syndrome. It just 'aint that great. I suggest you settle down and play a game on your PS3 instead of trying to validate your purchase of said console by insulting the intelegence of the gaming community.

lol you can't see a way for the ps3 to outsell the 360 till its not on the market lol, if the 360 wasn't on the market the ps3 would over take it in 3months it's only a matter of time until the ps3 outsells the 360

Ah, so you are talking lifetime very deceptive of you. I don't see any way the PS3 is going to outsell the 360 until the "720" is released and the 360 is phased out. That is, unless Sony does something simply amazing...and they have already played that card with the slim and the pricecut, they just don't have much leftthey can do, MS still has a trick or two in the bag.

No I'm saying if we are talking lifetime 360 doesn't have a chance, and if they both stay on the market awhile longer ps3 will eventually overtake 360

As I said, how deceptive. Lifetime is a joke, bragging about sales after the 360 is off the market is like saying you are the smartest kid with Down Syndrome. It just isn't as cool as you may think. As for the OP's assumption that the PS3 will overtake the 360 within three years, well, I just can't see a scenario where that happens. As for the other garbage you are posting here, get over yourself. You don't have a clue what you are talking about, and clearly you have an agenda. It's kinda sad really.

lol how stupid are you the ps3 outselling the 360 is inevitable, I can't see a scenario where it doesn't other then next gen starting in a year or two and both consoles stop selling, and how is lifetime a joke lol, don't really care about sales anyways ps3 has better exclusives then 360 and almost always has, all the great 360 exclusives were just timed exclusives, MS is out of people to buy them from