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Michael-5 said:
gekkokamen said:
Michael-5 said:
jarrod said:
CGI-Quality said:

You still have yet to learn that a mega franchise isn't what kept Sony going all this time. It's always just been about qthe quantity of titles to play and the variety it brings. PS3 is no different and GT5 will be the icing on the cake, not the lacking, "mega-hit" after thought.

I dunno... variety was certainly instrumental in the rise of PS1, and PS2 maintaing that growth, but games Like Final Fantasy VII or Grand Theft Auto III were events in the history of the medium.  PS3 really hasn't had anything remotely similar to that, no singular killer app that really drives the platform and sets the tone for the generation, and at the same time we've seen PS3 fumble massively with the brand and legacy.  No single console has ever lost as much marketshare, userbase or money as PS3 has... if PS3 had a FFVII or GTA3 already, maybe things would've turned out differently?

Exactly! You also should realize that within a year of it's EMEAA and Americas launch, PS2 had GTA III, FF X, GT3, ICO, and Twisted Metal Black all exclusive. 3 killer games and two well received exclusives to boost. PS3 only had Resistance at launch, a couple underdeveloped low rated games as well (Liar, Heavenly Sword, etc), and in 2008 all it really got was Uncharted which really wasn't that spectacular. PS3 has it's share of great games, but nothing killer yet, and it hurts.

Uncharted is a November 2007 title. 2007 also saw games like Motorstorm, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword and Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction. All of them new franchises except for R&C of course. Uncharted Drake's Fortune not being spectacular is just your opinion, I could say the same about that franchise your avatar is about. I didn't see the big deal about Mass Effect after I finished the first game. I thought it was, how should I put it... underdeveloped...but hey, that's my take.

In year 2thousand and 8, the PlayStation 3 got Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Valkyria Chronicles, a game called METAL GEAR SOLID 4, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, a demo called GRAN TURISMO 5 PROLOGUE, Singstar....

Get your facts straight.... and PlayStation's got its "share of games" ?  "nothing killer yet" ? What am I even discussing here with you when you showed your true colors the moment you started talking. Dude, you haven't played anything, you aren't even a gamer if you disregard the PS3 library like that. You are just a should I put underdeveloped and unenthusiastic fanatic. But there's a popular term for that too.

Now your just being insulting, and sorry I meant 2007, launch of Halo, didn't re-read my post cause I was in a hurry.

By underdeveloped I was specifically thinking about Lair and Heavenly Sword, both games had potential, but due to a really glitchy game, extremely short campaign, and no replay, I really think they were rushed. Resistance was also rushed, but the only thing you lost out on was cinematic cut scenes.

Mass Effect 1 could have used more polishing, I agree, but it was developed by a small developer. I'm not trying to insult PS3, I own one, I'm just saying pre-2008, pre-MGS4, it wasn't that good of a console. A GT game in 2007 or 2008 could have greatly boosted sales, I don't understand how they couldn't make Prologue a proper game and just release GT6 in 2011.

2008, PS3 started to pick up, I say after MGS4 it looked like a proper compeditor to the 360.

Wow I can't say anything negative about PS3 in the forums here, at all. If I said Halo isn't too special I might get one person complain to me, but I critisize Uncharted and the hate floods in. Seriously, I own both a PS3 and a 360, and although I do admittingly play 360 more (mainly because used multiconsole games are cheaper on a 360).

You right there is no sence arguing, I make the reason that PS3 didn't take off because it's library in it's first two fisical years was only passable, and all of a sudden I'm like some idiot.

Seriously, thats what it's like in the forums, I made a good comment about PS3 and you applauded me a couple pages ago, I then say the library is good, but slow in comming, and now you disregard everything I say. I'm sorry man, but I think you have a biased opinion towards PS3, and I say that in the most respectable way possible. It's a good system, but there is a reason it's 3rd in sales, and it's not just because of it's initial cost.

Honestly soo many people here are in love with the PS3, most people here think PS3 has "a much better library" then the 360, but when you actually look up some exclusives, they are roughly the same. Yes PS3 had Heavy Rain, God of War 3, MAG, and Mod Nation Racers, but 360 also had SC Conviction, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2, Metro 2033, among others. This fall its LBP2 and GT5 versus Halo, Fable, and Kinect. It's still roughly the same quality.

Why are people so defensive about the consoles they own, gaming evolves outside of your respective consoles.

Dude, you said in PRESENT tense the PS3 still doesn't have anything "killer", and I quote AGAIN (to save your faulty memory to look a few posts above)  " PS3 has it's share of great games, but nothing killer yet, and it hurts"


You calling ME biased? ROFLMAO , good night my good sir.