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Ive just finished "witch hunt" the lastest Dragon Age DLC, and ive got to say im left just slightly dissappointed, i was hoping to find out more and see more of morrigan aswell it was a bit of an anti-climax really. but nevermind i did still enjoy it just though it could of ended better. I have a feeling that this will also be the last peice of DLC for dragon age:origns as i think bioware will be shifting full attention to the sequel now.

On another note have any of you seen any of the gameplay trailers of Atelier Totori the Sequel to Atelier Rorona (which is released on ps3 at the end of this month in NA and the start of next month in EUROPE)? I know its early to be asking this because we havent even played the first yet, but it looks really good! ive been looking at some of the boss battles and they seem awesome! and i cant help noticing how much gust seemed to have improved the visuals aswell.

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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