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Kzoellner said:

The Real*- You are right to a certain point.  It varies what you need.  OSs are like shoes.  Some people need them for running.  Some people need them dancing and so on and so on.  You're statement of saying apple is one the best OS  I cannot help you there.  Its great but not one of the best.  Windows is great not the best....

A little background on myself, and why I say what I say.

I am a 41 year old C# .NET developer. I started with C in the 80 on UNIX computers, and moved to C# when it came out 9 years ago, ironical due to a tablet PC. (we bought 30 of them for a project I was doing back in 2001).

I have been a system administrator for a few thousand people in the past as well, so I know a little about the systems side of things too. In my home, I own a high end PC running Windows 7, a Windows server 2008 file server with raid 5, a 17" Macbook pro, 13" Macbook that's my wife's, Mac Mini for our TV setup, two iPhone 4's, and a 64G 3G iPad.

At work over the last 20 years, my desktop computer has been Windows, IRIX (SGI's version of UNIX), and Linux.

So that's a little about me. Back to why I think ExoPc will fail.

Table (or slate now I guess) PC's are not replacements for laptops. They are there own beasts. What makes a tablet worth putting money down for, is all the things that make them not desktop PC's.

A few things about my iPad that make it worth owning:


  • I never turn it off. When I want use it, I pick it up, tap the button, swipe my finger, and go. It's the Instant computer.
  • Apps made for it are simple. They provide a small amount of info fast. For example, if I had an iPad and the ExoPC in front of me, and I wanted to time how fast it would take to find out what the high is tomorrow, and check wind speeds in my state, it would be much faster on the iPad. The UI on the Exo will take me to a webpage, and then from there I have to use a webpage like a webpage. The iPad weather app is expecting me to be using an iPad. Aside from however long it take the Exo to wake up, there is finding the area with wind speeds. Now I most likely have to type, or click on some links somewhere.
  • Charging the iPad is an afterthought. It's strange how liberating that is. When I want to use my Laptop away from power, the first thing I think of when I pick it up, is will the battery last as long as I need it. That's never a question with the iPad. Even if it's 20% batter life, I just need to make sure I plug it in after I watch my 2 hour Netflix movie over 3G.
  • It's hard to explain, but what makes the iPad a great device, is it's not a computer (well, it is, but you don't think of it that way). It's a window into information. It's aways there, always on, and the software is always designed to be used the way your using it.


I guess in a nutshell, why I think the Exo will fail, is once you find all the reasons you would want it over an iPad, you will realize what you really need, is a netbook/laptop.

The iPad is successful for the same reason most people don't understand it's success. It is just a huge iPod Touch with 3G. And while that's a joke to many, it's an extremely good thing in practice.