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The Real*- You are right to a certain point.  It varies what you need.  OSs are like shoes.  Some people need them for running.  Some people need them dancing and so on and so on.  You're statement of saying apple is one the best OS  I cannot help you there.  Its great but not one of the best.  Windows is great not the best.  A lot of people have a misunderstanding that windows 7 does have the legs to be "Touch".  Try out a touch screen with windows 7 - its pretty impressive for being a desktop OS.  Ipad OS is a giant Iphone.... I can see the use for an every day user "walking shoes" to have this.  But I cannot justify the price for what it is to  its limited abilities to be a full functional true open OS tablet/slate.

I also don't agree with Apple's hardware.  Why do I need a special pin connector that only apple sells to charge and move data? Why can't Apple join the world in USB? Its a nickel and dime theory.  The worst part most mac users dont even use the desktop OS properly.  They just bought an Apple because of the bright commercials and a song that no one knows the name of the song but some how knows the words.

Now 10 years ago if you bought a "tablet pc" you would have received windows 2000 or ME. With that being said I don't need to explain why you would buy one or not.  It would be unrealistic. Now in Apple's long history they went the opposite direction in Windows usability.

Windows went large full products that could easily leave the customer a only using 20% of what the OS can do.  Apple started with small, light and easy of use products.  With a product that had limited abilities such an iPod: store all of your music, hit play. Then lets make a play list and hit play.  Then over the evolution of the product it let it users grow too.  Believe it or not I am writing this post from a macbook while using my itouch as my remote for my tv. In reality the amount of desktops that are Apple in the work environment is not high..  Most people go to work and boot up a box that has windows.  Some less fortunate have XP or Vista.  Same reason why Bootcamp and VM are very popular products in the mac world | because they can have a mac run windows - that is a straight given that the world does run on windows. 

Now Android:  Love my HTC EVO 4g. well when I get 4G.  Android is nice OS. Yet it is young and deeply fragmented across the hardware community.  Until google quits getting sued for using open source code and letting so many new hardware products come out with different versions from 1.5 - 2.2 we will never see an amazing android.  I would put money down if Google came out with a tablet themselves it would have the Chrome OS.  

Back to Windows: Check out Surface. Windows went large product and OS once again.  Great legs but most people cannot grasp what the product does because there is too much.  Now as 7 running as a tablet OS in the work environment it can happen.  I am just glad someone had the idea to say "I want a full OS on my tablet.  But! I want a friendly UI that can make use of the product easy  that they don't need to use 7".  

The EXOPC is young with a tight-nitch community for programs in its overlay of UI in 7.  Give this time to mature and it will succeed. You would think in the world of today where Cloud computing and virtualization someone would of thought to have a UI layover for graphical appearance and ease of use would have been done way before this.