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Bodhesatva said:
HappySqurriel said:
Legend11 said:
Samus012 said:
The Wii is honestly the only profitable console right now. The 360 might get a lot of software sales, but only from a couple key titles. Like Bioshock, COD4, and Halo 3. OTher than titles like that, the software isn't amazing.

I think that in 2008 devolpers like Ubisoft, EA, and Activision will see that the Wii will be the system of choice for exclusives of high quality, and not the 360 and PS3.

I see your logic. Most of EA's money for example is being made off of 360 and PS2 games and far far less from the Wii so it makes perfect sense for them to ignore those systems in favor of the Wii.

Being that most third party publishers are reporting far lower profits (or potentially increased losses) even though they heavily supported the XBox 360 and PS3, I think it is fair to assume that the high revenues of certain XBox 360 games may be negated by the high costs of development (and high losses to unsuccessful games).

If third party publishers were reporting record profits I would agree with you that they might continue focusing on the XBox 360 and PS3; at the rate things are going the companies that continue at this level of support will not be around in 2 years.

 It's difficult to say with certainty, but I'd bet you that the losses are heavily weighted towards the PS3 now, not the 360, and that these losses will diminish as current-gen engines are refined and completed. There's so much money invested in the 360/PS3 now it's effectively impossible to pull out. Divert some resources to the Wii? Sure. Absolutely. But abandoning the trilogies (Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect) and 360/PS3-centric titles, not to mention the expensive middleware and licensing fees is almost impossible at this point. It won't happen. 

I wasn't suggesting that the PS3 and XBox 360 were going to lose all of their support, just that third party publishers where going to have to change their overall strategy ...

Basically, the PSP and PS2 are likely going to see a dramatic reduction in third party support in the near future and the XBox 360 and PS3 are probably going to see a consolidation of resources (more multi-platform games) and possibly a slight reduction in support. The platforms which will pick up the newly available resources are the Wii and Nintendo DS.