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Jumpin said:
Smidlee said:
Jumpin said:

The right to build a mosque is fine, it is a shot against intolerance. 


Burning books? Either these are very very evil and hateful people; or they're just a bunch of ignorant hillbillies; either way, they are supporting intolerance.

Tolerance is not a virtue  as the most tolerant people on earth are dead people. You can spit in their face and they won't say a word. Dead people don't even brag about how tolerant they are.  Also if you preach against intolerance then that in itself reflect intolerance.  It goes both ways , moving the mosque is also reflect to tolerance as well let this preacher burn any book he wants.
 What sometimes is called tolerance is nothing but the spirit of apathy.

There is very large difference in the flavour of intolerance of people based on race and religion, and the intolerance of a philosophy of hate.

There are examples found in scripture where Isreal destroy and burn up idols / false gods. Christianity and Islam can not be compatible because of where both stand on the person of Christ.  The reason why christians should not go around burning korans is this draws attention away from glorifying  Christ not because of tolerant or intolerant.  In America Christianity seems to have lost it meaning. It's true chrsitians are not  suppose to be in a physical war with Islam but no doubt according to scripture they are in a spiritual war against them.