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"I don't see how Halo3 having 6 million sales is grounds of proving a point. It's still 2 million behind Halo 2, and only marginaly passed over Halo 1"

And? It sold huge amounts and will likely pass its likewise hugely successful predecessors. People getting fed up with PS3/360 style games looks differently n'est pas? Not only sequels do well on PS3/360 but also new IP like Assassin's sells like hotcakes. And no a game not only becomes relevant after it sold 10 millions. 3 Games selling 3 million make a much more diverse game library.

"Look at the 10 million software lists and you'll see all Nintendo"

Again And? Nintendo is a great game developer. Not really news. Games like Mario, Zelda and Metroid are probably the most classic games available and their Wii installments are very similar to their Gamecube predecessors. I had the impression that you somehow argued that people are fed up with these classic games and will switch to specific Wii titles that focus heavily on motion control, easy party games etc. (Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Carnival Games). Compared to Super Smash Brothers HAlo3 is innovative and new .

And yes the Wii will have a successful year 2008. So will PS3 and 360. Next year GTA4, Gran Turismo, MGS4 and hundred other games will come out and if you think a Mario RPG will sell 10 million either you are crazy or customers are stupid. The italian plumber is barely bearable when there is no story at all like in SMG.