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Kyros said:
"Honestly, do you think Halo 3 moved systems?"

First: Yes I think Halo3 moved systems. No idea how many. Second this was not the question. facher said that people don't care about PS3/360 style games. And I really think sales numbers of Assassin's CoD and Halo prove the contrary.

Ok, now your making me think your blind.

A game that moves systems does so most notably when the game is released. The cold hard facts/numbers show a marginal increase when Halo 3 came out, and a drop which continued and moved the 360 step by step down the list. I own a 360, and I bought Halo 3, but I didnt buy the 360 for Halo 3. I doubt many people really did, otherwise the numbers would show it.

 Take SMG this past week, that game is a system seller. You have 400,000+ copies of the game going out, weeks after it was released, and subsequently you have 740,000+ Wii's going out as well. Granted, this was the big holiday week, but SMG was selling well previously, the Wii was as well.