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Kyros said:
"Honestly, do you think Halo 3 moved systems?"

First: Yes I think Halo3 moved systems. No idea how many. Second this was not the question. facher said that people don't care about PS3/360 style games. And I really think sales numbers of Assassin's CoD and Halo prove the contrary.

 All i have to really do is look at the console sales to see where I don't believe your suggestion.

Wii has fifteen individual 1+ million software titles. 

PS3 has four.

XBox360 has 29, but has been out for an entire year longer, including another holiday season, which skews the numbers a bit, epsecially when you're the only system out for a while.

Shows that last weeks software sales, the top 20 list, Nintendo systems own 15 of them.  And, it seems very landslide-ish in favor of Nintendo games.  Not a single XBox360 made teh top 20.

I think one more year and Wii software sales will surpass 360 sales by a considerable margin.  I'll guess 40 one million sales for software on XBox360, and 45 one million software sales for Wii.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.