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Kyros said:
"most consumers in the broad market don't really want the 360/PS3 style of gaming."

Halo3 sales numbers would disagree with that statement. Besides what is the PS3 style of gaming? There are only two areas that are really Wii specific.

Party games that are build around motion detection. These have essentially sold the Wii. On the other hand how do you want to improve them? More games, better graphics? This is not what has made them great, an ugly little game like Wii Sports was amazingly fun when played with other people, I don't think Wii Sports 2 will be "better".

The Wii control as "lightgun" for rail-shooters like RE-UC or in First Person Shooters. This is definitely an improvement, on the other hand FPS are not essentially new or different from 360 type of gaming.

I don't think the Wii is a fad but I think Party games are one. They will sell less and less. In the end classic games will decide if the Wii will win this generation.


Honestly, do you think Halo 3 moved systems? because I am doubting it. It looks like a large majority of Halo 3 owners were already Xbox 360 owners, but it allowed MS to post increased sales of around the release.

 Data for the week before it's release shows a total of

40,596 units, behind the DS, PSP, PS2, and Wii

Data for the week after it's release

76,490 units, behind the DS, PSP and PS2

Data for the week after that

56,357 units, behind the DS, PSP and PS2

and finally one more week after that

47,948 units, behind the DS , PS3 (price cut) , Wii, PSP, and PS2.

 So, while Halo 3 has sold some 6 + million peices of software, it had a very small bump in hardware sales, meaning Halo 3 did not move many new peices of hardware into people's homes, it was primarily purchased by previous owners.