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Kantor said:

Obama says this is going to be an incentive for mass Al-Qaeda "recruitment bonanza"

Interestingly, he has the most mild opinion of anyone the article quotes:

Interpol: "If the proposed Koran burning by a pastor in the US goes ahead as planned, there is a strong likelihood that violent attacks on innocent people would follow,"

President of Pakistan: "Anyone who even thought of such a despicable act must be suffering from a diseased mind and a sickly soul...It will inflame sentiments among Muslims throughout the world and cause irreparable damage to interfaith harmony and also to world peace,"

British Government: "We would strongly oppose any attempt to offend any member of any religious or ethnic group. We are committed to religious tolerance,"

Hillary Clinton: "disgraceful"

General Petraeus: Endangers the lives of soldiers.

Apparently, the Vatican and NATO also disapprove, but no quotations were given.

We're lucky Al Queda doesn't have Youtube then.  Because you can literally find that kind of thing in seconds.


like seriously,

Bible too.


If all it takes is a church of 50 people burning a relgious book to create a giant upswell in terrorist recruitment and attacks...

we've got much bigger issues.