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"Second 400 dollars is not the range of mass market appeal, at it's cheapest, it is still too much."

Because of that I said it just entered mass market appeal. Expect some sale surges when it hits 250. This is the point. Writing them off because Nintendo started with a cheap price and soundly trounced them in the first year is a bit too fast.

" Finally, Nintendo is the only place to go for Nintendo's offerings, but what you find on the PS3 and the 360 is more often then not "not exclusive", with some exceptions."

Its not exclusive to PS3 or 360 but its almost always exclusively not on the Wii. So in the end you have to buy one of the other two to play almost all great games not situated in a mushroom kingdom.

"If the cost is too high for the amount of returns, they will continue to fail "

Again software sales on PS3 and 360 are good. Where do these companies fail? Assassin's, CoD4, Halo, Resistance are all multimillion seller. If anything third-party devs fail on the Wii. Where are all the broke game developers. I see dozens to hundreds of new software titles for PS3, 360 in development. Seems to be profitable after all.