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Biggerboat said:
Leo-j: if you are an example of a hardcore gamer then I'll happily accept the label of casual & continue to enjoy my kiddy games starring fat plumbers and elves. I find it funny that you are like, what 15, and try to tell far more experienced gamers what they should and shouldn't like.

From what I can gather from you're many, many posts on these forums hardcore = guns and gore. I'm not gonna tell you to grow up as you are in fact a child but maybe you should think twice before laying down the law to people who have experienced gaming pre-Halo.

Maybe it's just me but the biggest advocates of the 'leet', 'adult' systems seem to be rugrats, it's actually quite bizzare.

You know what - Ive really just realized something  , the PS3 and the 360 are really "kiddie" systems, because they invest in the things the kids love these days. They also invest in an audience that has all day to sit down and play some game for 30-50 hours to finish it. Im a full time college student, and I work full time as well, when I play a game, I want to get to the game, I want to enjoy it. It seems the kiddie crowd, in their rush to prove they are all grown up adopted these big bloated games that look shiny, but have little innovation or little else (outside of graphics and cgi). Where as those of us who have already experienced the same old same old a hundred times over, while still enjoy it occassionally, want to enjoy ourselfs, want to experience new things.

So, PS3/360 kiddie. Yep, makes sense. Atleast I can start working on another playthrough of mass effect over the extended new year weekend.