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zackblue said:
mesoteto said:
@zak---let me explain--the only thing the 360 and the Ps3 offer right now is hi end graphics...that is it--if Nin wanted the could Do a Wii Heavy and bump up teh graphics to Hd level and still proably break even-

so when he says "The Wii does NOTHING the other consoles couldn't do if they wanted to"--its like saying yeah i can do that but i dont want to , but if i did i could do it

Do you even own an xbox 360? Because now Im starting to doubt it. Anyone care to take over from here?

 My room mate has a PS3, and I've watched him play around with the little non-gaming features, the media features, and I'm not that impressed... nothing this computer can't do, so why pay for something you already have?  USB and RGB vga out works wonders with my projector and optical sound card, especially with a laptop.

For that matter, the PS3 doesn't look any better than an XBox 1, really, on his standard TV, which majority of people still have.  It's not that PS3/XBox360 costs a lot, it's that the display does cost a lot.  Wii doesn't need a big, shiney display to take advantage of itself.

That's one of the biggest issue to a lot of people, I think.  Staring at PS3 graphics on his standard TV reminds me of games 5 years ago.   NOT impressive.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.