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BenKenobi88 said:
There's tons of people that will still buy the 360 or PS3 over the Wii, no question. Personally, I would call a lot of these people stupid, as they're the type that need their HD games, their bluetooth headsets, all the latest and greatest technology, no matter what the cost. Sure there's genuine 360 lovers, but a lot of them are just out for the best tech, and there will always be a market for them.

In my case, I would say I would not have gotten a 360 had I not gotten it for free ( , infact the only thing I would even consider buying is perhaps a PS2 - solely for the chance to get some of my old favorites that arent around anymore, including Lunar:SSSC and EB , Chrono Cross (the chrono trigger with the anime movies w/ff as well) , and some re-releases of games like Dragon Force (come to think of it, all those games minus a couple were released on snes/sega cd or sega saturn).

Im sure they will see re-releases again, as classics, hopefully.