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PS3 and XBox360 aren't 'doomed', so to speak.

However, I would suspect that studios would have to be sure and budget their money more effectively, reducing the amount of emphasis on graphics (which takes a lot of money to produce) and focus more on what makes a game rather than spewing money in to graphics pump-ups.

You can still survive easily, you just adjust a little. The same game-styles of the 360/PS3 have been around since DOS days. They won't go away. It's just that Wii will sell considerably more. PS3 will probably do as well as the 360, and the 360 will probably do on par or slightly better than the XBox 1. Wouldn't consider that a failure, but the two styles, Wii vs PS3/XBox360 aren't in the same boat.

It's like mp3 players vs phones w/mp3 players. Most people don't care about phones w/ mp3 players. Doesn't mean they can't compete for the market that's there, because it's there. It's just that iPods w/out phones do much better due to a broader market.

Numbers: Checker Players > Halo Players

Checkers Age and replayability > Halo Age and replayability

Therefore, Checkers > Halo

So, Checkers is a better game than Halo.