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The wonderful thing about the console wars is that its majorly fueled by brandname like most products. This is how the Ipod and Windows can sell so much and well be... not the best choice.

Wii has just completely dominated 2007 along with the DS. The Nintenod brand is collosal and in 2008 it can't die. It just can't. It'll continue to sell very well unless that brandname falters, and major signs of that wouldn't even start showing til late 2008 or early 2009.

But for PS360 fans here's the lowdown if you want to know your chances. 360 fans. 360 can't win. Go home haha.

PS3 fans you have a better chance. It's just PS3 sales have to kick up NOW. If they sit back for the first half they can't win. PS3 has to start trying to outsell the Wii in Europe/Other, make ground up in Japan, and at least start outselling the 360 in America, let alone challenge the Wii. If it doesn't start doing this by Summer of 2008, then it'll just be too far behind to catch up.