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Well 'Doomed' is a bit too colourful, dramatic, and inaccurate but it does have some truth to it ...

2008 is going to start with a bang for the Wii, and it will be in the 1.5 Million units sold per month range for all of Q1; the XBox 360 and PS3 will probably be in the 300,000 to 500,000 range during the same timeframe. Third party publishers are already in panic mode, and the continued success of the Wii will only further drive home the point that they bet too heavily on the wrong horses. Publishers like Capcom, Namco, Ubisoft, EA and Activision which have adequately supported the Wii in the past will start seeing far more success from their conventional and unconventional games they produce for the Wii because of experience and a greater focus on the platform.

The Amazing line-up that is always on the horizon for the PS3 and XBox 360 will continue to see delays and fail to meet expectations when the games are released; as time goes on there will just be less and less games to look forward to for these systems.