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And? How is this pertinent? Did you feel the need to sneer at someone else's tastes? Do you even care about the list at all or did you just come here to troll?[/quote]




Raiden and Tidus on the EMOtion Engine just didn't do it for me.




I found MGS2 and FFX to be shallow, just


bad movies masquerading as games.


(add in XenoSaga too, beateded that one, but haven't played II&III, I just figure more of the same...cutscenes!!)




FF9 and FF7 I've played through, thoroughly enjoyable throughout.


same with MG1.  FF9 and MGS1 were great love stories, gripping stuff.



with all that said, I gave FFX as a present to my little brothers (I got it for free from a pawn shop), 

and they seemed to enjoy it, so

to each their own I guess.












(shifty eyes...)







Yes Snake, Raiden is a man...I think.....[!]













that's not a guy is a girl.[/quote]







(your name says you're the expert!)






and that the PSX was a stronger system than the PS2 for RPGs.[/quote]




What genre wasn't the PSX stronger in than PS2?




PS2 wasn't all negative, it just wasn't PS1 good (Twisted Metal is another game for example that was better on PS1 than PS2)


It doesn't get said loudly enough, but PS1>>PS2


Katamari Damacy was my favorite game that I've played on PS2




but I still haven't played...Fire Pro Returns, Dark Cloud 2, Dragon Quest 8, Rogue Galaxy and some others I'm interested in quite a lot.

(lots more PSX games still left to play.)



as for some of the other games on the list:

As a self-professed Christian I'm not into games that promote the devil in any way but as the bad guy.

These Atlus games turn me off quite a bit for that reason.

Not that I can't deal with the complexities of having heroes struggling with moral conflicts, but it just seems to be promoting evil to have any sympathy for satan in a video game.