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what i find funny is now it is all wait til xmas 2008

last year at this time it was wait til xmas 2007...

well it has been 13 months and if the past 13 months is not enough to establish a solid trend i don't know what is.

the 360 and ps3 are more niche than the wii

the wii is priced ALMOST at mass market (sub200) pricing.

the gameplay on the GOOD wii games(for shooters-so far- MP3:C, mohh2-puzzle games- Z&W etc) is superior in my opinion- to ps3 and the 360 games of the same genre- fighting type games--will ssmb is coming soon...

graphically not one game yet has really pushed the wii to the limits..

for the next year i see more of the same

poor to great ps3, 360 and wii games come out.
sales to maintain around the same current -non holiday- levels for all 3 systems

the ps3 and 360 to maintain close parity- with the ps3 slowly gaining on the 360 in overall numbers...

and for the wii to continue to widen the sales gap.

and if that trend xmas 2008 the people saying wait for xmas 2008 will say wait til 2009.