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It is true I think. I overhear people talking about the Wii everywhere I go, all ages-all types. Like Coke is the generic term for all colas, Nintendo has regained its status as the word for video gaming. It is so nice to see while in Gamestop or Bestbuy people clamoring around the Wii and DS sections while only a handful of people browse the other two. I have noticed this phenomenon developing for months now and it really sunk in when I recently saw a group of older teenagers -or possibly very young adults who work my neighborhood's grocery store (who look like the type that should be with what most of this forum would think, solidly in another brand's camp) going on and on about the Wii, and the extent the ones that did not have it planned to go to get it, and again at BestBuy I saw a group of scary older bully type teenagers buying a bunch of Wii games and arguing which ones they should get (so much for the kiddie argument). And while it may be anecdotal, I have not once in the past year overheard anyone talking of the other two. Considering I hear people talking about the Wii on nearly a daily basis I think is truly telling of the culture shift.