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I don't think they are doomed just yet, in the long term I think it will be the case, but for right now I think they will continue to float.

MS has the money to piss away (they could choose to continue to piss it away or not, likely they will continue to do so)

Sony act's like it has the money to piss away (it does not and I think we may be suprised by what happens down the line if it doesn't turn a profit and the gaming division continues to bring down the rest of the company)

For the longer term however I think it's over - I see a snowball like effect, popularity beget's popularity, more and more want as more and more get it. Not only that but Nintendo has expanded the market in different directions - giving them new customers, getting them old customers, making their userbase so large compared to the others, which will end up resulting in more "gamer games" (as some would say) comming to the system, which will result in more sales.